Do Invisalign® Clear Braces Work the Same Way as Traditional Braces?

Clear Braces Los Angeles, CA

Invisalign® clear braces are one of the many ways that you can straighten teeth these days. It provides a discreet treatment option that is virtually impossible to notice when being worn. Invisalign® aligners can be used to fix many of the issues that traditional metal braces are used to fix, like:

  • Overbites
  • Crooked teeth
  • Small spaces between teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Underbites

How Invisalign® clear braces work

Invisalign® aligners work using the same concept as traditional metal braces. At the start of the treatment, the patient gets several aligners trays that are each worn for two weeks. Each tray further down the series pushes the patient's teeth closer to the desired position.

Metal braces utilize brackets and wires to get the same job done. A bracket is attached to each of the patient's teeth, and all brackets on a row of teeth are connected with a metal wire. Tightening this wire increases the force that each bracket applies to the patient's teeth. Over time, the patient's teeth are pushed to a better alignment.

Benefits of choosing clear braces like Invisalign®

For decades, many adults were reluctant to get teeth straightening treatments because they did not want to have to deal with traditional metal braces, which have been the standard way to deal with poor teeth alignment issues. Braces are highly conspicuous, and it is impossible to miss them when interacting with those who wear them.

Metal braces also make it more difficult to keep teeth clean during treatments. The brackets and wires involved often get in the way of brushing and flossing, increasing the person's risk of tooth decay. Invisalign® clear braces provide a better alternative to those looking for a more subtle way to straighten their teeth. Other benefits of Invisalign® clear aligners include the following.

They take less time to get used to. Those who get metal braces usually have to deal with an adjustment period as they get used to living with brackets and metal wires in their mouth. This can make regular tasks like speaking and eating feel awkward as they adjust.

Invisalign® braces can be easily removed for meals, allowing the patient to continue enjoying all their favorite dishes. This is a major contrast from metal braces, which are fixed in place.

Invisalign® clear braces provide more precise treatment. Invisalign® aligners are designed to apply as much force as each tooth needs to slowly move it to a new position. As a result, the patient experiences less discomfort while wearing their aligner trays. The patient gets a new tray every two weeks, which applies a little more force to their teeth. With metal braces, the brackets apply the same amount of force to all the patient's teeth, and the dentist does not adjust the tightness of the wires every two weeks.

Get straighter teeth

Call or visit our Los Angeles clinic if you are looking to straighten your teeth. Our dentist will educate you about Invisalign® and other ways to straighten your smile.

Request an appointment here: or call Allure Dentistry at (310) 683-5321 for an appointment in our Los Angeles office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Clear Braces in Los Angeles, CA.

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